I have kept this page open in my browser for weeks for reference. Thank you for the clear explanation of 'metta.' Loving kindness for all sounds like a worthy goal. 🧘‍♂️

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I enjoy this practice, I’m glad you like it too Steve!

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So grateful for the reminder to always return tot this practice. Beautiful. 💚💜

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It is a lovely practice, very happy to remind you Jennifer! Thank you for being here ✨

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I felt my breath deepening as I read your post. Thank you.

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That’s great Diana, thanks for saying! Build it into your days 💛✨💛

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Hi Kate, this is a practice we do in the Buddhist tradition. Just wondered whether you're Buddhist

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Ahh. I wonder whether you learned with Triratna. It's the tradition I'm part of.

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I went to Gaia house in Devon, which is generally Vipassana though they teach quite a few different traditions there depending on teachers 🙏🏻✨

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Ah yes. Lovely idea to share it here

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Hi Claire, yes I learned it in a Buddhist retreat. I’m a bit Buddhist yes, I’ve been on many retreats and meditated on and off for years. I’m just not very dogmatic about it! 💛

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Such a beautiful post about loving-kindness to warm the start of my day. Thankyou 💜

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Metta Elly! 🙏🏻

I recommend daily doses 😊💛

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Beautiful. I have practiced this at wellbeing events. It is such a lovely generous act of love. It's something I've forgotten and am going to try each day. Thank you for the reminder.

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Ah that’s great Susan - I’m glad you’ve been reminded! Enjoy! ✨💛✨

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Thank you Kate. Have a great week.

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Metta! 🙏🏻 How did you find practicing loving-kindness? Any difficulties, learnings or just a big love bath? ✨

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Excellent post, Kate. And timely. The domino effect through your readership and by your friendly instruction will help the world along. Sometimes it takes but a spark. Perhaps the single most important thing we can do in our lifetime is to know our mind. Metta practice is a wonderful tool to that end. Thanks, Kate.

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I agree Brian, it’s surprising how something so simple is for ours and others well-being! ✨

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