
What is your favourite thing about August? What are you looking forward to in September? What could you let go of, and leave behind now ready for the next chapter?

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21Liked by Kate Harvey

I haven't had a summer break, as I had to keep going for complex personal reasons. It has felt slow, but there has been no let-up like other people, which annoyed me for a while. However, I made peace and took slower days or artist dates when I could. My break to Chicago (to run the marathon) and then off to Hawaii means I'll be away all of October, for which I am excited!! I love September; my birthday is the 1st, which is always my new year. I am ready for this new era, and it feels like it has been several years coming...July and August were the time to finally leap bravely into this new chapter, and I am prepared for it. I loved your piece and sending love for your new transition of family life 💛

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Thank you Ruth, and wow, good luck with the marathon! 😃👊🏻

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Yes, our garden is very lovely not only because of its various fruits, but also it's the place where i can reflect on my life more deeply. Painting, drawing, journaling and occasionally meditation have helped me through when i was gripped by dark thoughts and emotions. And finally, i now see myself as a cruel gardener who wants to uproot a thick-trunked tree that can bear no good fruits because he knows that it's time to make space for newer plants instead of this one (I'm well aware it takes loads of time and energy to cut that tree, and it can't be done in a year or two).

P. S.: My therapist used to tell me a lot that's very good she doesn't need to teach me how to control and help myself in times when it's needed (I intrinsically have had the "self-control" and "self-help" elements).

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Gardening can be so creative and therapeutic 🙏🏻✨

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Yes, you're right. It can be.

I think of myself for having a green thumb, but when it comes to actually doing it, i get tired after some time (I have no idea why i'm like this).

P. S.: Both my maternal and paternal grandparents' families were gardeners. I've got this "nature-loving" gene from them (I don't know if there is such a gene).

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August is the depth of winter here in the southern hemisphere. Although the light has slowly started to return, it's often the coldest and wettest month. I spent mine at Auckland's international film festival, escaping into other people's storylines in beautiful old theatres. Now, as the month coasts to a close, magnolias are blooming and birds are singing, and suddenly I find the house is overheating when I light the fire 😊

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Wow, signs of spring on the way Vicki. The film festival sounds great, stories are so enriching 🧡

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Aug 26Liked by Kate Harvey

Thank you for this heartfelt post - just going to print out your workbooks to take with me on my hols. Driving with my dog to Scotland (from Somerset!) in a few weeks to see great friends and have a good download from life for nearly 3 weeks.

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Ah that’s lovely Erica, a long drive but sounds worth it. I hope you enjoy the materials ✨😊

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Aug 24Liked by Kate Harvey

Hi Kate! 👋👋

August just breezed past me! 💨🍃

I am really enjoying life at the moment. So more of the same for September!

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That’s great Mika! I’ve loved this month, but need to get back to routine and Substack of course! Hope your September is just as fab 🧡

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Beautiful post, Kate.

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Thank you Keris 🙏🏻☺️

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Beautiful. I love the reflections at the end. Although August has been beautifully busy for me, I have felt that it’s been a kind of rest for me in way. As a teacher September is my new year and so your reflections are wonderful apt. Really enjoyed this 💚

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You’re in the calm before the storm! 🙏🏻

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Haha true ⛈️

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Kate! I was so drawn to your gorgeous headline and then the mention. Thank you, my friend, for your wisdom and reflections. So glad our paths crossed here on Substack. Soaking up these last summer days!🫶🏼

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Thanks Antonia, it’s a wonderful time if year ✨🌞

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I can imagine that the imminent empty nest must be daunting. I know I am going to have mixed emotions when that time comes for me.

Although this August has been tricky due to another change in family circumstance that I am learning to navigate, it has been good to go with the flow as a family. In September, I am looking forward to having time to focus on my own work. Having had the time to reflect on what I put my energy into, I have left a book club that I once enjoyed, but due to changes, is no longer the right fit. My next step is to have the confidence to connect with more people.

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I’m sure you’ll find that confidence. I want to write a post about confidence, because it is created, rather than ‘found’, I think. thank you Jenny 🙏🏻

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Thank you. I’d be interested to read a post on confidence. From my experience on Substack, confidence is definitely ‘created’. I wouldn’t be where I am without effort, taking risks and trial and error.

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Absolutely Jenny, and the supportive community helps too!

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August for me is a month full of fruit-picking, such as plums, grapes, and apples (medium-size apples, the ones that don't turn to red much) in our villa-garden. It's also when little by little, i start feeling the coming of autumn (i'm one of those who feels more depressed in fall and winter).

This September, i'm looking forward to making new plans, and doing things that require me to get out of my comfort zone more than before.

And finally, i wanna let go of the beliefs that don't serve me anymore (I'm truly exhausted of having stuck to my old beliefs despite their dysfunctionality, and remaining in my comfort zone despite knowing that my future lies outside that zone for the past year) one day at a time.

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Your garden sounds lovely - full of nourishing food. A lot of people struggle in the darker months. Lots of care and kindness required - and as much sunlight as possible. It sounds like September Will be fruitful too, and yes it takes work to challenge thoughts as I’ve written about before - awareness is the first step! 🙏🏻

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Oh thank you dear Kate, I’m honored to be referenced on your list of faves here, wow 🙏🏼🥰

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Thanks Elin, I need to catch up here! 🙏🏻☺️✨

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I did some reflection this August. One thing I let go of is some painful memories through embracing more of forgiveness. I need to add in more self-love.

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That’s lovely shanjitha, you deserve it! 🧡

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Your post came at a right time. I admit ai have hard time letting go of August, letting go of summer. Gratitude and deliberately slowing down support me in this.

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It is hard, we still have time to enjoy! Thank you Terje 🧡☺️

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Ah, your words about the empty nest! I have just, literally just this minute, read the last chapter aloud (to record for a friend, long story...) of Claire Kilroy's 'Soldier Sailor'

Cannot recommend too highly!!

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Thank you for the recommendation Janey! I’ll look it up 🧡

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Loved your piece by the way - only, living on the wild west coast of Wales, summer as I remember it has passed us by...

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It sounds lovely there too! 🌬️

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Love the way you write! Thank you for these reminders as the season shifts into fall ✨

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Thank you so much Anne, it’s such a big shift but welcome when it comes 🧡☺️

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