
What are you proud of at this turning point? I am proud of my substack right now. And my beautiful daughter as she steps out into the world.

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I connect with what you have shared here very much, nearly too much to actually put into words as the pain of it all makes me feel like I’m underwater where it is impossible to breathe. It is good to know that we are not alone in our struggle and I thank you dearly for this reminder.

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I know that underwater feeling Nicole, and you’re right we aren’t alone and must remember that. There are life rafts for us in the choppy seas 🙏🏻✨

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Jun 22Liked by Kate Harvey

I hear you on the questions why? My son has been at uni 2 years now so feel all of that. Covid destroyed my previous business (physio clinic) then I found out I had lobular breast cancer and then I started to write. What a joy. As a fellow meditator I think this all looks like a beautiful way to mark the half point in that year. 🙏🏻

I attended a funeral on Thursday of a dear friend of mine and among the sadness it reinforces the gratitude that we get to have this life. How every messy and hard it feels xx

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Hi Jacqui, that’s a lot of loss and change to process. Meditation can help so much with more deliberate attention, so we don’t get swept into further mental difficulty. Writing is a therapy! I’m sorry for the loss of your friend. Yes messy and hard but also beauty and light 🙏🏻✨

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Change always implies loss. The trick is to find the opportunity for growth, too. I hear you on these physical, emotional and family changes!

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In my therapy training we had this saying, ‘if you choose you loose’. Two sides to everything, and growth within it as you say!

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Jun 22Liked by Kate Harvey

I wish I could afford to subscribe ,Yet do to health troubles it is hard for me to eat every day . I will tell any that se this I am sure it works . meditation kept me alive for longer than i should of been m But have now lost the relaxation medication takes / I hope your letters from therapy gets many people to read it .

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That must be tough Mitch. Meditation can be so helpful. Do you know Jon Kabatt Zinn? He wrote a great book called Full Catastrophe Living and is a wonderful meditation teacher. I’ve given you a complimentary paid subscription for a month in case you can find anything useful here, which I can extend if you need. 🙏🏻

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Jun 22Liked by Kate Harvey

Thank you Kate ,Yes i do know about Jon ,In a few ways . He has meditations and relaxation techniques on you tube . Used them in the past . Yet for anyone else like me that can’t afford much or can’t get out , You can read that book on your own or pdf it at internet archive org . hugs and peace to all

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Thanks Mitch 🙏🏻

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Hi Kate, I sure appreciated knowing more about what has so radically changed your life. I’m really sorry to hear long Covid has robbed you. Add in perimenopause and its the perfect storm. I retired from my work in counseling earlier than I planned due to multiple sclerosis. So I understand the frustration of living with limitations and poor stamina. I still do coaching in my backyard office and find that to be a tremendous joy. However, writing has become such a joy over the years. I’ve been contending with this disease from a young age but I had the audacity to keep trying. When I couldn’t finish Physical Therapy masters program in my twenties (midway through), I shifted gears. I had the chance to teach at a medical college in China for a few years. Loved those teaching years and my wonderful students. After returning to the US, I continued working with international students until that became infeasible due to health. I then got my masters in the rehabilitation counseling field and loved working with clients. Lots of shifting gears and adapting. Health grows increasingly difficult over time but I know that writing and helping some clients helps redeem the suffering. I am slowly finishing a book called Tenderly Transformed: Growing and Healing Through Turbulent Times. I started writing this during the pandemic. Anyway, very thankful for you and empathizing with the losses you face. Thanks for writing here. I have great respect for you.

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Thanks for your kind words Susan. I too find writing and helping others a huge joy, and like you it helps make life meaningful despite the difficulties. Your book sounds fantastic! Good luck with it. 🙏🏻✨

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Thanks, Kate. Grateful to connect and appreciate your writing and work here.

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Thanks for being here Susan! 🙏🏻

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Feeling this bittersweet time with you Kate. I’m a year behind you and trying to be so present with all of it. Proud of both my two as they move into who they’re meant to be❤️

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Sounds like you’re doing a fab job with them! ☺️✨

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Jun 23Liked by Kate Harvey

'Self acceptance is essential if we are to survive'. Thank you for these wise words. I am going on a self discovery journey, just changed career but not sure I have made the right choice, and perimenopause also isn't helping. Your writing encourages me to carry on learning about myself and finding my light bulb moments Thank you.

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Perimenopause adds a lot of confusion into the mix for many of us. I’m grateful that HRT has helped me. Good luck with your decisions Yean, and thank you for your kind words!

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Ah Kate, your words always strike a chord for me and I really value them, so thank you for sharing your wisdom in this week. Funnily enough I wrote a few words on acceptance this week, not in depth, it has taken me a long time and plenty of therapy to begin embracing acceptance and your writing has also been part of that. Oh, and I think you should love to Somerset! 😂

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I haven’t read your post yet but would love to read it later. Thanks so much for your words here, acceptance is hard and I’m not fully there ye, it’s a work in progress.

I am thinking of moving to Somerset! My family are all in Bristol so I was thinking of Bath, are you anywhere near there? Just waiting to see where Grace ends up etc and weighing up so many things! 🧡

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Oh how lovely! Yes, we’re just outside Bristol - not far from the airport really. Bath is lovely too, though I know Bristol much better. But we’re in the Mendips which are beautiful and Wells is a really nice smaller city. Xx

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Such a lovely part of the world. I like Wells too, there is no train station tho 🤷‍♀️

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True….. Castle Cary not too far, but you’d need to drive and if you don’t then Bath much better! Xx

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I drive but grace doesn’t. It’s fun to dream about all the possibilities! Xx

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Aw, Kate.. this made me cry! 😥 I think I have some sadness/grief of my own to deal with.. its been making its way to the surface this week and this just tipped me over the edge I think x

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Oh Eva, maybe you could do journaling around it, go back to the point that made you cry and take a peek in your mind! 🙏🏻

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I can’t right now as have to be “on” 🙄 but will definitely return to this and do some journaling when I next have some quiet space 👍 Thank you 💛

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