Letters From Therapy
Letters From Therapy Podcast
Healing Water Guided Meditation

Healing Water Guided Meditation

Take ten minutes for this beautiful, healing, relaxation.

I’m Kate, a psychotherapist writing about mental health and soulful living, for you to explore and flourish in a life you love. Self awareness changes lives! Upgrade here for tools, exercises, therapeutic journaling prompts, guided meditations and if you’d like to support my work. Thanks for being here!

This is part of my Wednesday series of short, guided meditations, a practice shown to improve mental health and well-being. Deepen your reflections with optional therapeutic journaling prompts on this theme in the Members Therapy Tools Page. More in this series: Creating Financial Abundance, Kindness for an Overthinking Mind, Forgiveness, Cultivating Joy, Self Acceptance and Sunlight Energy - listen here, or upgrade - you are welcome to join us!

Healing Water Guided Meditation

‘What happens when people open their hearts? They get better.’ Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood

Dear friends,

I love this quote. Often we inhibit our healing, health or growth unconsciously through self-sabotage, a wish to stay small, or because we have given up. We can open ourselves to healing, with practice. I hope you love this relaxing, healing meditation as much as I do.

Even in the midst of hopelessness we can create beautiful moments to enjoy. In fact, this is when it is most important.

If you are in pain or have health issues, you can also try the loving-kindness meditation, which is free though not guided. Ease into challenging sensations with love and acceptance. I’ll be back with a post about health and illness soon.

There is an alternative to following the breath where many of my meditations start, to invite us into mindfulness. This is to gently touch your index finger and thumb together with an optional small circular movement, and focus your attention on this sensation instead.


Should We Forgive?

1000 Subscribers on Substack! Recovering Lost Dreams

Acceptance Guided Meditation

Let In The Light - Refections at the midpoint of the year

Loving Kindness Meditation

Paid subscribers will find therapeutic journaling prompts in the Members Therapy Tools Page, to increase clarity around healing, and help you get out of your own way.

Thank you for listening, reading, liking, commenting, and sharing my posts. It helps others discover my work and lets me know you’re with me. ☺️

With love and gratitude,


Recent kind words:

‘What a beautiful, reflective post. I'm so glad to have found you on here... you have inspired and helped me in so many wonderful ways. Thank you for all that you do!’ Eva 
‘As I came to the end of regular therapy I knew I would need a little scaffolding around me and feel that’s just what you give me. So thank you. For being brave, consistent and supportive to me. I’m very grateful.’ Vanessa

Letters from Therapy is a reader supported publication. Consider a paid subscription for more posts, meditations, workbooks, journaling prompts and the full archive, and if you’d like to support my work.

This post is for paid subscribers

Letters From Therapy
Letters From Therapy Podcast
Welcome! I’m Kate, a psychotherapist sharing guided meditations and visualisations to nurture your soul, accept yourself and find deeper meaning in your beautiful life. I’ll also share audio versions of my Substack posts here.
What you get:
- Increase self awareness and acceptance
- Develop calm and inner peace
- Become present
- Cultivate joy
- Connect with your inner wisdom
- Find your strength and confidence
- Healing and compassion
- Prevent and recover from burnout or stress
- Improve mental health and wellbeing
Subscribe here: https://lettersfromtherapy.substack.com