Letters From Therapy
Letters From Therapy Podcast
Acceptance Guided Meditation

Paid episode

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Acceptance Guided Meditation

How could things be any other way?

Welcome to my Wednesday series of short guided meditations, a practice shown to improve mental health and well-being. It certainly feels that way to me, as I make time daily for this uplifting practice.

This meditation and post is about developing acceptance. Coming soon in this series: Forgiveness, Financial Abundance, Healing, Kindness for an Overthinking Mind. You can listen to the published Cultivating Joy and Sunlight Energy meditations here.

Deepen your reflections with optional therapeutic journaling prompts on this theme in the Personal Growth Tools Page. If you aren’t a paid subscriber yet you are welcome! You’ll get all meditations, prompts, therapeutic workbooks, and posts.

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Hi friends

This week I crossed a milestone and now have 1000 subscribers on Substack! 🎉 1000 people like you and I who want authentic, meaningful lives, despite everything. My post out on Friday/Saturday will have my reflections on this. Thank you for being here and making this space possible!

Today’s guided meditation is to develop acceptance. Acceptance is something that I have battled with, and I talked about some of my journey to acceptance here. It can be difficult to accept horrible things that have happened to us, or that are going on around us and in our lives. There are also external pressures that inhibit our acceptance, like family, partners, friends, culture and social media. If we allow ourselves to get pulled away from accepting what’s happening and who we are, it can lead to a sense of dissatisfaction, low mood or anxiety. We often don’t realise we are doing it, particularly if we are caught in memories, unfinished business or ideas of how things should be. We end up fighting reality. Exhausting!

“The curious paradox is: when I accept myself just as I am, I change.” Carl Rogers

  • When we push ourselves away, we split ourselves in two, increasing our suffering. Only through acceptance can we ever feel whole.

  • Fighting reality wastes our energy. Accepting reality results in authenticity and wisdom.

  • We cannot change the past but we can change our relationship with it.

  • With deliberate attention, we can accept ourselves just as we are.

Stretch your Acceptance Muscles with this Guided Meditation.

“Belonging starts with self-acceptance. Your level of belonging, in fact, can never be greater than your level of self-acceptance, because believing that you're enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic, vulnerable and imperfect.” Brene Brown.

I invite you to take ten minutes with me to put aside the stories of your life, put away the to do list and embrace the moment you’re in, and find freedom, acceptance and peace there. Whether you are new to meditation or a regular, come and give it a try!

Let me know what you find hard to accept in the comments, and how the meditation is for you?

With love,


P.S. Liking, commenting and sharing my posts helps others discover my work too, which means I can keep going! So grateful to you! Kx✨

Listen whenever you like, and return daily to hardwire acceptance into your soul. For a longer meditation, stay settled and continue the meditation in your own time. Listen on Substack, or if you prefer, on Apple Music or Spotify. You can find more guided meditations here.

This post is for paid subscribers

Letters From Therapy
Letters From Therapy Podcast
Welcome! I’m Kate, a psychotherapist sharing guided meditations and visualisations to nurture your soul, accept yourself and find deeper meaning in your beautiful life. I’ll also share audio versions of my Substack posts here.
What you get:
- Increase self awareness and acceptance
- Develop calm and inner peace
- Become present
- Cultivate joy
- Connect with your inner wisdom
- Find your strength and confidence
- Healing and compassion
- Prevent and recover from burnout or stress
- Improve mental health and wellbeing
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Kate Harvey