I’m Kate, a psychotherapist writing about mental health and self-discovery, for you to flourish in a life you love. When we cultivate self-compassion, resilience and understanding, we also create a more harmonious world. Upgrade here for enriching discovery tools, worksheets and transformative journaling, guided therapeutic meditations, the Heal Your Past Course, the Life Audit Workbook and more. You’re invited!

Hello and welcome!

I am Kate, I write Letters from Therapy. I am a former counsellor and psychotherapist with a creative life, sharing weekly insights, tools and journaling questions to help you be… you! Improve your relationship with yourself and others and connect with the deeper meaning of your beautiful life.

Growing self-awareness, acceptance and deeper meaning profoundly improves our lives and relationships.

If you aren’t familiar with Substack, it is a platform which hosts the newsletters I send, like a blog full of my archive of writing. Subscribe if you haven’t already, you are welcome!

‘What a beautiful, reflective post. I'm so glad to have found you on here... you have inspired and helped me in so many wonderful ways. Thank you for all that you do.’ Eva 

‘As I came to the end of regular therapy I knew I would need a little scaffolding around me and feel that’s just what you give me. So thank you. For being brave, consistent and supportive to me. I’m very grateful.’ Vanessa

‘Heart-wrenchingly beautiful.’ Lisa

‘Your words resonate deeply. Thank you for your words.’ Sue

Free readers enjoy:

  • Concepts about personal growth from my therapy room and beyond that can change your story.

  • My perspective on life as an integrative therapist on the leafy edge of London.

  • Reflections on creative life (I am also a silversmith) and writing life, aka Substack.

Paid members enjoy:

Upgrade to my low-cost membership, with self directed tools from the therapy room and dig deeper with gentle personal growth work including all the above and:

  • Enriching discovery tools, worksheets and therapeutic journaling most weeks.

  • The Heal Your Past Mini Course, with 90 page workbook for annual subscribers, and the Life Audit 40 page workbook.

  • Guided meditations and visualisations on the podcast, with optional journaling prompts.

  • Access the full archive (I take breaks in December and August).

  • Listen to audio recordings of my posts.

  • Join in comments & community - I’ll be there!

  • My gratitude! Your generosity in supporting my work means I can continue writing. A annual subscription costs less than one therapy session.

‘Thank you, Kate, this is so useful, it has led me to deep reflection.’ Jane

‘This was so beautiful... What really shone through for me was your strength… your writing is gorgeous.’ Allie

‘Thank you for these wise words. I am going on a self discovery journey, just changed career but not sure I have made the right choice, and perimenopause also isn't helping. Your writing encourages me to carry on learning about myself and finding my light bulb moments Thank you.’ Yean.

About me

As a London therapist for 16 years I held a space for my lovely clients to unravel their inner knots to liberate their true self. They found their way to be in the world, even when they felt all hope was lost. I want to create a space like that here for you.*

Grace and Flora is my nature jewellery business and happy place for the last 12 years. Daily creativity and alchemy are my fuel! I used to love Instagram, building 11k followers, but I prefer it here.

I am also mum to an awesome teenage daughter, who is off to Uni soon. I can’t believe it either! I co-parent with my ex husband. I’m also mum of two ‘angel’ stillborn babies whose profound impact on my life led me down this path of truth, love and healing almost twenty years ago.

Pepper, my daxi-jack keeps me perky and enjoys walks in nature as much as me.

Writing is my other happy place, that’s why I’m here!

I don’t have all the answers, though I do have a light.

Our lives, loved ones and the world are better when we have self awareness, self compassion and meaning. If we can’t love and be true to ourselves, who will?

Why paid members signed up:

‘I really needed to read this today. That inner critic is just SO DAMN LOUD!  Thank you for sharing this wisdom today, It has really made a difference!’ Bonnie 

‘You write beautifully’ Jan

‘Thanks for writing here. I have great respect for you.’ Susan

New to Substack?

Substack is a newsletter platform that hosts my letters as a blog. They will arrive in your inbox, or you can read my letters in the app. Choose ‘smart notifications’ if you don’t want both. Visit me here to catch up and explore my archive of posts and exercises.

I am so grateful you’re here. Come and join me!

Clarity ~ Nurture ~ Creativity ~ Growth

*These gentle tools and ideas are suitable to try at home, though if you have mental health issues and need professional support, or if you feel distressed please seek help. I can’t be your therapist but if you’re in the UK see the Counselling Directory to find a therapist, or contact your G.P. If you are overseas please seek support from loved ones and local professionals.

Subscribe to Letters From Therapy

I’m Kate, a midlife psychotherapist writing about life, personal growth, and therapy, so you can flourish in a life you love. With self-discovery tools and journaling for members.


Psychotherapist interested in authenticity, meaning, and feeling better about ourselves.